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How to lose belly fat?? How to lose weight fast??

“All progress takes place outside the comfort zone". In this article I'll tell you how to loose weight at home we'll not discuss the exercises so that you do pull heavy in the gym, and work out like a dog I will tell you the genuine way so that you get rid out of your historical belly fat, your stomach is kitchen which will decide what your your body will be come in future so we'll discuss more about diet diet and diet. When I say a diet it does not mean you starve whole day, diet means, "Balanced diet".
So here are some tips for you to follow and get rid out of belly fat very fast with altering metabolism or metabolic rate:

1. Motivation

Ask yourself what you need from yourself and you have to be motivated in your whole journey of body transformation from obese to shredded. Hear some motivated speech or songs which keep you motivated whole day of your precious life.

2. Nutrition

  Good nutrition will help you to about 70% to your fat loss journey so your main focus should be on what not to eat instead of what to eat. Since you all know proteins are the building block of our body or more appropriately nucleic acids.

When you go through the fat loss journey your body lose weight of fat but to maintain your muscle mass you have to take 1 gram protein per kilogram of your body weight.
Protein sources:

  • Non vegetarians- Egg, chicken breast(the darker the color of meat the more fat present in it)
  • Vegetarians- Seitan, chickpeas, tofu, hemp seed.

Carbohydrates are the fuel of the body which gives you energy to do your daily routine but when you take excessive amount it will convert into fat. There are two kinds of carbohydrate first one is good carbohydrate or more appropriately complex carbohydrate on the other hand second one is bad carbohydrate or simple carbohydrate. 

  • Complex carbohydrate or good carbohydrate: 
Those carbohydrate which takes time to digest in your body and provides you energy very slowly and does not convert into stubborn fat.

  • Simple carbohydrate or bad carbohydrate:
It digests in our body very abruptly so it provides instant energy and if it is not used will get converted into fat. White rice, breads are full with bad carbohydrates so can use alternatives of these by switching brown rice, brown bread because it digest very slowly and do not convert into fats.
 So in my opinion you have to cut your carbohydrate and go through the calorie deficit for example if your body requires 3000 calorie per day you have to decrease from 3000 to 2800 then decrease more i.e.,2500 go up to around half of your maintenance calorie, in starting you feel lethargic but believe me your body will adapt this.


It it also has two kinds the good one and the bad one good one helps you to keep your skin healthy and Shiny, when you lose weight your skin becomes loosen and scars appears on your stomach and armpits so to stay away from scars body needs healthy fats that is Omega 3/6.
Omega 3/6 present in fish oil if you are vegetarian your best source would be flax seeds.

3. Exercise/workout

Now, change your lifestyle do some physical activity so that blood rushes into your whole body and in each cell, As high intensity cardio and working out like a dog in gym would not help you to reduce weight that much and at last last you end up tired and energy less whole day. Start with push ups, squats (free weight), crunches, do these as much as possible go beyond your limit. Simply you count these workout and write on calendar/notepad and track your workout counts.

4. Water

It means a lot on fat loss journey, it's keep hydrated and as when you go on calorie deficit you feel empty so drink more and more water or lemon+ honey+ water drink, take green tea instead of simple tea it will give you visible result.

5. Foods

Start eating clean food that means not spicy, not fried less of oil, butter, fats, now start to eat a lot don't panic it means you have to eat food in every two hours, break your meal into several sessions, like eat less but increase the times of eating so that your metabolic system which had been shutdown becomes active.
 In morning just after waking up, without brushing your teeth drink at least 300 ml of water because when we sleep our mouth secretes saliva which contains several beneficial bacteria so when you drink water it comes into stomach and helps in proper digestion. At night take your meal at least two hours before to sleep, And your meal should be low in carbs, moderate in protein.

Eat salads, veggies, low carbs food,Your meal quantity should be decrease from morning to night, researchers says that after the sun set food you consumes concerts into fast so your meal quantity should be decrease exponentially.

So here are my some tips and tricks which can help you to loose fat very fast, this article gone long but you have to know the science behind nutrition, if you feel beneficial for you do comment down below and ask me for any query, follow me for such fitness and nutrition posts!

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